INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 16 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 664 Today's Topics: Atari Post Loss of $5.4 MILLION in Third Quarter MIDI record/playback (Me too!) Modula 2 SeaGate 296n information... (2 msgs) status of Gulam ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Nov 89 20:38:47 GMT From: usc!jarthur!uci-ics!! (Joachim Patrick Vance) Subject: Atari Post Loss of $5.4 MILLION in Third Quarter This is HOT off the press. I thought everyone on the Net might like to know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTC 11/15 0956 ATARI POSTS LOSS OF $5.4 MILLION IN THIRD QUARTER SUNNYVALE, CA (NOV. 15) PR NEWSWIRE - Atari Corporation (AMEX: ATC) reported the results of operations for the third quarter ended Sept. 30, 1989. Net sales for the quarter were $81.4 million compared to $98.8 million for the like quarter last year. The net loss was $5.4 million compared to net income of $.9 million. Net sales for the nine months were $253 million compared to $300 million for the like period last year. There was a net loss of $1.8 million compared to a net income of $12.1 million for the like nine months last year. Sam Tramiel, president and chief executive officer, said "This has been an encouraging yet difficult quarter for Atari. Towards the end of the quarter we began shipping many new products which represent our future. For example, we started shipping Portfolio, our new hand held MS DOS command compatible computer, and the Megafile 44, our new removable media hard disk drive. Also, during the quarter, we began shipping the STE computer, an improved version of our core ST product. Additionally, during the fourth quarter, we expect to start shipping Lynx, the new hand held color LCD video game system. However, to reflect the dramatic drop in component prices, especially semi-conductors and disk drives, the company has taken a special charge during the quarter of approximately $10 million in respect of such inventory." Tramiel also stated, "With the shipment of new products and less volatile DRAM costs in the fourth quarter, we anticipate normalization of margins as and when the inventories of older products are sold. Portfolio production is ramping up now as planned. Initial sales appear consistent with our expectations." Atari Corp. is one of the largest companies in the world manufacturing personal computers and video games systems. Atari headquarters are located in Sunnyvale. CONTACT: Greg Pratt of Atari Corp., 408-745-2349 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Joachim ????????????????????????????? What do my .sig and UCI have in common? | | | - - - - - - - - - | ????????????????????????????? They're both Under Construction Indefinately.| ------------------------------ Date: 16 Nov 89 16:18:08 GMT From: mcsun!inria!irisa! (Jean Christophe Engel) Subject: MIDI record/playback (Me too!) From article <>, by > I am looking for a public domain program for the ST that would allow > me to capture information from the midi port while I play a synth > i.e. a midi recoder. Hopefully this would also be able to replay the > ... I'm interested too ! Jean-Christophe Engel ------------------------------ Date: 16 Nov 89 17:04:29 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf! (Piet van Oostrum) Subject: Modula 2 In article <8911150806.AA02970@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, V053QHYX@UBVMSC writes: `I just d/l'ed and unzood modula 2 from ftp terminator..its all in german?! `Can anyone translate it??I'll create a new resource file for it if I can find `smeone to translate it..I'm sure other users would like it also..!! If you could read German, you would have noted that changing the resource file is explicitly forbidden. At least it was in the first version (I will look in the current). I am afraid I'm too busy translating (well maybe I find some time while I'm watching the News about the DDR (East Germany)). -- Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Telephone: +31-30-531806 Uucp: uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet Telefax: +31-30-513791 Internet: (*`Pete') ------------------------------ Date: 16 Nov 89 17:12:13 GMT From: uvm-gen! (pegram r) Subject: SeaGate 296n information... From article <891113.14502027.074992@SFA.CP6>, by Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252): > > I know that this has been thrashed royally here before, but could > someone send me the particulars of the problems with the SeaGate 296n > hard drive mechanism? As I understand it, there is a problem with > REVISION 8, or is it 7? 1:1 interweave chokes, etc... Stuff deleted... > Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| I'm also thinking of getting a 296N, perhaps a synopsis of 296N problems could be reposted? On the other hand, it might be better to post a list of problem drives/manufacturers and sources of info on the problems, and emailing me the specifics on 296Ns. Thanks, Bob Pegram ( , if that helps) ------------------------------ Date: 16 Nov 89 20:50:19 GMT From: ogccse!blake! (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: SeaGate 296n information... In article <1341@uvm-gen.UUCP> pegram@uvm-gen.UUCP (pegram r) writes: >From article <891113.14502027.074992@SFA.CP6>, > by Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET (Z4648252): >> >> I know that this has been thrashed royally here before, but could >> someone send me the particulars of the problems with the SeaGate 296n >> REVISION 8, or is it 7? 1:1 interweave chokes, etc... > Stuff deleted... >> Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| > >I'm also thinking of getting a 296N, perhaps a synopsis of 296N >problems could be reposted? On the other hand, it might be ROM 8 Does NOT format 1:1 successfully... sure it will run.. if a 57K/sec DTR is satisfactory for you ! The older ROM 7 drives (hard to find these days) will format 1:1 and give you about 550 K/sec. Seagate recognized the problem with ROM 8's and, I believe, successfully rectified it. I vaguely recall reading about a ROM 12? Perhaps someone else can fill in at this point, as i dropped following the Seagate drives when i ran into the ROM 8 problem last February. -kevin ------------------------------ Date: 13 Nov 89 19:28:27 GMT From: ncrlnk!wright!crimson! (Prabhaker Mateti) Subject: status of Gulam Over the past two years, I have recd several enquiries about improvements and bug fixes to Gulam. To all those, and the many others who found it useful and said so: I am grateful. I would like to release a corrected version. The question of "when" is governed by two factors. One is that I no longer use ST on a daily basis. Two, I have not seen "correct" solutions to the many problems attributed to Gulam (such as the one re stdin/out redirection). I would like to recv "capsules" of solutions to such problems. Bugs caused strictly by the internals of Gulam are, of course, mine to fix. Meanwhile, if there are others who have "fixed" Gulam, I have no problem if they post the binaries of such versions. I still hold the copyrights to the original src, and I am not giving permission to post the src. Authors of modifications, of course, do NOT need my permissions to post their mods (either in src or as binary patches). The src of Gulam is available, as always free of cost, to individuals. However, having seen public comments by some who recd the src, I will be selective in who I will send the src to. It is not an easy program to understand without the design documentation, which I am not yet ready to release. prabhaker mateti, wright st u res ctr, 3171 research blvd, kettering, oh 45420 (513) 259-1379 (513) 873-2491 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Nov 89 15:38:08 From: ELLIS_MP%P1.LANCSP.AC.UK@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU SUBSCRIBE INFO-A16 ELLIS_MP ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #664 ***************************************** =========================================================================